Impressions from the Joint Workshop on the Organic Chemistry of Sulfur (27.02.–28.02.2023)
f.l.t.r: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nuno Maulide (Head of the Department of Organic Chemistry, University of Vienna; Chairman of JWOCS-23), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hideki Yorimitsu (Kyoto University; Vice-Chairman of JWOCS-23), Junichiro Otaka (Deputy Ambassador of Japan in Austria), Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schütze (Rector of the University of Vienna) (© Johannes Hloch 2023)
Opening Speech by Rector Schütze (© Johannes Hloch 2023)
(© Johannes Hloch 2023)
(© Johannes Hloch 2023)
JWOCS-23 was visited by approximately 100 students, junior and senior scientists (© Johannes Hloch 2023)
Organic Chemistry Symposium 2022
Tobias Danzl was presented with the Walther Schmid Memorial Award for his Bachelor's work by Nuno Maulide (© Institut für Organsiche Chemie)
Robert Hirz giving his lecture "Kriminaltechnik, Science against Crime" (© Institut für Organsiche Chemie)
Lecture by Prof. Benjamin List
On 27.10.2022, Nobel Laureate Prof. Benjamin List visited Vienna, giving his lecture "Universal Organocatalysts for a Better World" and engaging in stimulating discussions with young scientists.
Opening words were spoken by Rector Sebastian Schütze (© Nicolas Gillaizeau-Simonian/Maulide Group)
Benjamin List was awarded with the "Adolf Lieben Lectureship 2022", presented by the heads of the GÖCH AG Organic Chemistry Nuno Maulide (r.) und Michael Schnürch. (© Nicolas Gillaizeau-Simonian/Maulide Group)
Benjamin List ist director of the "Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung", Mülheim an der Ruhr, and was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2021 for his developments in organocatalysis (© Nicolas Gillaizeau-Simonian/Maulide Group)
Institutsheuriger July 2022
Organic Chemistry Symposium 2021
Irmgard Tiefenbrunner (2nd from left) was presented with the Walther Schmid Memorial Award 2021. She was joined by Nuno Maulide and the recipients of the previous two years, Tamara Dinhof and Bogdan Brutiu (© Manuel Schupp)
Guest speaker Klaus Zangger from Universität Graz (3rd from left) gave a talk entitled "Enhancing the resolution of proton-detected NMR spectra by pure shift NMR" (© Nuno Maulide)